Integration course -
Your way into life in Germany

  • A language course aimed at making yourself understood in everyday situations, for dealing with local authorities, filling in forms, looking for a job and leisure time - 600 lessons
  • Orientation course for exploring some major social topics such as culture, history, law, values in Germany and Europe - 60 lessons
  • Total duration approx. 6 months
  • On the basis of the current Asylum Law for asylum seekers with prospects of being granted residence rights and people with residence status
About our courses

Language courses for work purposes -
Your way into the job market

  • Intensive language course based on the language requirements of the participants (level test)
  • Includes job-related vocabulary, knowledge of industry, IT, labour law, company organisation, etc.
  • Integrated internship in a company and training for job applications
  • Interdisciplinary communication
  • Intensive preparation for language exams (telc) - A1 - C1
  • Based on the funding guidelines of the ESF-BAMF programme and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
partner-telc.png About our courses

Modellprojekt MITRA "Migranten und Arbeitsuchende in Transportberufe"

  • nach dem Berufssprachkurs (B2): Erprobungs- und Orientierungsphase
  • Bestandteil der Qualifikation ist der Erwerb des Führerscheins für Pkw, Bus oder Lkw (gefördert)
  • Anstellung bei Transportunternehmen
  • als Mitarbeiter: Geförderte Qualifizierung zur Fachkraft für Möbel-, Küchen- und Umzugsservice oder zum Berufskraftfahrer
About our courses

Unsere Angebote im Überblick

Hier finden Sie einige Angebote unserer Standorte, die garantiert Starten. Weite Angebote finden Sie auf unserer Webseite unter: Kurse für Migranten und Geflüchtete

Getting started -
An introduction to German

  • Basic German for everyday situations - shopping, health, work and leisure time
  • Duration: max. 320 lessons
  • On the basis of the Asylum Procedures Acceleration Act for people with temporary residence permits (BÜMA) who, under § 29a of the Asylum Act, do not come from a safe country of origin and have prospects of being granted residence rights in which a legal and permanent residence is to be expected and who do not have any knowledge of German, or any that is useful.
About our courses

Getting started + German + Integration

You would like to live with us and work here with a future of peace and safety for you and your family. We can help you to settle in, to learn our language, to find out all about life in Germany, our democratic system and the values that are important to us.

We have 17 bbw locations in Berlin and Brandenburg:

  • Integration courses:
    German language course and orientation course - Your way into life in Germany
  • Language training for work purposes:
    German intensive course for work purposes with a language exam - Your way into the German job market

05.03.2024 7 Module
Charlottenburg, Am Schillertheater 4 Wir sind gestartet - Nacheinstieg bis 15.06.2024 möglich

15.03.2024 7 Monate
Marzahn Wir sind gestartet - Nacheinstieg bis 18.11.2024 möglich

01.07.2024 6 Wochen, 50 UE, 2-3mal wöchentlich, 4-5 UE à 45 Min
Charlottenburg, Am Schillertheater 4 Wir starten

Marzahn Wir sind gestartet - Nacheinstieg bis 21.10.2024 möglich

Charlottenburg, Am Schillertheater 4 Wir sind gestartet - Nacheinstieg bis 31.07.2024 möglich

19.08.2024 7 Monate
Potsdam Wir starten


Integration courses in Berlin

Here you can find our flyer to download with more information on the integration courses at bbw in Berlin.

Integration courses in Brandenburg

Here you can find our flyer to download with more information on the integration courses at bbw in Brandenburg.

Language courses for work purposes

Here you can find our flyer to download with more information on language courses for work purposes at bbw in Berlin.


Here you can find out where we are located and who to contact at bbw. Give us a call!
We'd be glad to help you - in English or German.


Rheinpfalzallee 82
10318 Berlin

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Charlottenburg, Am Schillertheater 4

Am Schillertheater 4
10625 Berlin

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Warschauer Str. 58a
10243 Berlin

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Allee der Kosmonauten 33b
12681 Berlin

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Friedrich-Ebert-Str. 33
16225 Eberswalde

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Berliner Str. 119-125 (Eingang F)
16515 Oranienburg

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Schlaatzweg 1
14473 Potsdam

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Königs Wusterhausen

Weg am Krankenhaus 2
15711 Koenigs Wusterhausen

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